Enlarged Prostate Surgery: Key Considerations

July 30, 2024
 Enlarged Prostate Surgery

Enlarged prostate, or BPH, can be a source of stress and frustration due to its urinary symptoms. Having to wake up constantly in the night to urinate, feeling like your bladder is never empty, and having to find a restroom frequently can impact your quality of life. If you’ve been diagnosed with BPH, finding relief from your symptoms is critical. While there are many different treatment options, sometimes enlarged prostate surgery is the best treatment.

When Is Enlarged Prostate Surgery Necessary?

Enlarged prostate surgery may be considered when more conservative treatments have failed or if you experience severe or worsening urinary problems. Some reasons why your doctor may recommend surgery are:

  • Poor kidney function
  • Urinary retention or the inability to urinate despite other treatments
  • Frequent urinary tract infections
  • Bladder stones or visible blood in the urine
  • Severe urinary symptoms, such as urgency that disrupts daily life

Enlarged Prostate Surgery

A prostatectomy is a surgical procedure used to remove either part or all of the prostate gland.

A simple prostatectomy targets and removes just the section of the prostate that is blocking urine flow. It is generally used to treat BPH since there is no risk of cancer cells spreading to other tissues.

A simple prostatectomy can be performed by making an incision in the lower abdomen. However, it is more commonly done using endoscopic techniques with robotic assistance and several small access points instead of the large incision needed for traditional open surgery.

Prostate Surgery Risks

Beyond the general risks linked to any surgical procedure, a prostatectomy can carry specific risks, such as:

  • Bleeding
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Urethral or bladder neck narrowing or stricture

Minimally Invasive Options for BPH

New technologies have enabled minimally invasive BPH treatments, offering better symptom relief, faster recovery, less pain, and fewer risks compared to traditional surgery.

These techniques involve small incisions or instruments inserted into the urethra. While these procedures are typically used for BPH treatments, some transurethral procedures are also utilized in the management of prostate cancer. Types of minimally invasive procedures include:

  • Rezūm water vapor therapy. Steam is used to shrink the prostate.
  • UroLift system. A device lifts and holds prostate tissue away from the urethra.
  • GreenLight Laser Therapy. Laser energy is used to remove or shrink prostate tissue.
  • Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Uses a scope to trim away parts of the prostate causing the urinary blockage.

Which Type of Enlarged Prostate Surgery is Right for Me?

Selecting the correct type of prostate surgery involves carefully considering several factors, including:

  • The size of your prostate
  • The severity of your symptoms
  • Your overall health

Your doctor will perform a complete medical history and physical examination and help you determine the best surgical option.

Don’t continue living with unwanted BPH symptoms – schedule an appointment to discuss enlarged prostate surgery today!

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